Wednesday, November 29, 2017

What did we learn?...December 10th Conversation (partial) recording...We're eager for feedback

"What did you learn?"
"What are your conclusions?"
"How are you different because of this experience?"

Dave and I have been hearing variations on these questions a lot in the weeks we have been back home in the San Francisco Bay Area.  We've found that we don't have a pat, sound-bite answer.

That said, we ruminated and shared our reflections in conversation with the experienced interviewer, and moderator, John Anning.  The event was:

Sunday, December 10th from 7-9 
UUFRC (Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Redwood City)
2124 Lowell Street, Redwood City

Here is a recording of the last 40 minutes of the conversation (sorry, the first portion was not recorded).

Dave and Peter in Conversation: Dec 10, 2017 UUFRC

Finally, we are asking for feedback.  We are going out to two groups:
  1. Each of the people we interviewed to learn how it felt to be part of this project.
  2. Readers of the blog to learn how it felt to participate at readers.
If you'd like to share your questions, feedback and suggestions, please do.

Peter and Dave

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